Ensuring Optimal Water Quality in Poultry Farming

The Advantage of Selko pH


The Impact

Managing water quality is crucial for ensuring the health and performance of poultry in any farming operation. Water is the most essential yet frequently overlooked nutrient in a poultry diet, with birds typically consuming twice as much water as feed. Poor water quality can lead to a range of issues, including reduced feed intake, impaired digestion, and increased susceptibility to disease, all of which can significantly impact growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, and overall flock productivity. Therefore, maintaining high water quality is vital for optimizing the health and well-being of your poultry.

The Solution

To enhance water quality in your poultry operation, we recommend Selko pH. Selko pH is specially formulated to lower the pH of drinking water, creating an environment that inhibits the growth of harmful pathogens while promoting better gut health and digestion. By incorporating Selko pH into your water management strategy, you can ensure that your poultry have access to clean, safe water, leading to improved feed conversion rates, stronger immune responses, and better overall production outcomes.

Trust Selko pH to be an integral part of your approach to maintaining optimal water quality for your flock.

Checkout this video!

Giving you a sneak-peak behind the normally closed gates of Supply Point Tilburg, our main manufacturer of Selko feed additives. This 2-minute video gives you a brief introduction to the production process of the organic acids blends that are manufactured here. It shows all aspects of the chain. From the moment an order is placed and planned, through supply of raw materials, laboratory checks, production, and shipping of final products.

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