Ruminants Research Centre Ruminants Research Centre

Ruminants Research

The Trouw Nutrition Ruminants Research team, based in The Netherlands, focuses on nutrition support for dairy and beef cattle and young calves. The Trouw Nutrition Ruminants R&D team is composed of highly educated scientists, with diverse backgrounds and experience. They are dedicated to working together to develop ruminant research strategies that address today’s complex economic, social and environmental production challenges. To accomplish our critical goals, we’ll continue to maintain our team’s excellence, both internally and by accessing external talent through academic and industry collaborations. Our work is coordinated by a dedicated team of research and farm technicians who specialise in feed formulation, quality control, farm management, calf rearing, beef production, animal welfare and statistics.

Expanding calves’ lifetime productivity

Our team is uniquely motivated to create impact in the production system by practicing science to the highest standards. They bring expertise in young animal development and nutrition, nutrient homeostasis, gut health, and nutrient efficiency with a focus on energy and micronutrients.

Customers’ needs for healthy dairy and beef calves inspire the team’s work to study the following:

  • Expand the animals’ lifetime productivity with improved rearing techniques and feed efficiencies
  • Increase cattle’s productivity and resilience. This is aimed at helping farmers by reducing direct costs and indirect replacement costs but is most essential for the role played in improving animal welfare and justifying their use for food production
  • Develop greater efficiencies to lower the costs of ruminant farming and improve the sustainability of ruminant food production
young calves should be given atmost care for having better growth
discussing about the feed production plan

Linking scientific quality with industry insights

In a fast-evolving production system, understanding the factors that limit animal development, health and efficiency offers opportunities to create novel, proprietary technologies. Linking scientific quality with industry insights will enable us to accelerate the current global technological transition in ruminant production.

State-of-the-art farms

Trouw Nutrition Ruminants Research Centre is comprised of two dedicated facilities: “Kempenshof” dairy research and calf and beef research. Both are well-equipped, technologically advanced farms designed for nutrition and nutritional physiology experimentation.

Today’s global ruminant production system continues to unfold in an era of exciting and rapid technological transition. Trouw Nutrition’s Ruminant Research team is dedicated to helping lead the change by creating novel technologies based on our extensive research and deep understanding of animal development, health and production efficiencies.
Javier Martín-Tereso, PhD, Manager Ruminants Research Centre

Other sections:

Mycotoxin under microscope
Modelling & Data Science
Poultry Resaerch center
Poultry Research
Swine research center
Swine Research
Trouw's Global Labaratory
Ingredient Research
Dairy cattle
Global Validation